Frequently Asked Questions about Young Leaders

If we haven’t answered your question below then please get in touch on

  • How do I join Young Leaders?

    Contact our Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders) on or complete the joining form at the bottom of this webpage

  • What training is there?

    Module A is the first part of your Young Leader training, and covers the basics you need as a Young Leader to start helping at a section. You need to cover this within three months of becoming a Young Leader. In South Marches, we run this once every school term. You need to complete Module A to be a Young Leader or a Duke of Edinburgh helper.

    When you complete your Module A, you receive the Young Leader badge to wear on your Explorer uniform.

    After Module A there are 10 other training modules to give you the skills you need to be a great Young Leader including running games, planning a programme, first aid, and leadership skills.

  • I know where I want to help, is that OK?


    Please discuss it with the section leader, to make sure they are happy to accept you, and that they have enough space (sections can usually only accommodate a certain number of young leaders). Then let us know when you join (see above).

  • I don’t know where I want to help, but I want to be a Young Leader – is that OK?


    Please get in touch (see question 1) and we’ll find a section that will be really grateful to have you help.

  • I already attend an Explorer Unit, is it OK to also be a Young Leader?


    Young Leaders can attend a weekly Explorer Unit (where they are a participant), and help out with a section as a Young Leader (as part of the leadership team).

    Some Young Leaders decide just to be a Young Leader, and not participant in an Explorer Unit. This is OK too.

  • I’m just about to leave Scouts, can I start being a Young Leader straight away?


    You can start your Young Leader Training straight away and if you are planning to join a Beaver or Cub unit, you can join them as soon as you are ready. If you want to help with a Scout Troop, you can start the training immediately, but must have a six-month break before you return to the Scout section as a Young Leader.